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ksjfia§ idod .; yels f*aaia fjdIa 5la

iu ‍/l .kSfï m<uq mshjr jkafka iqÿiq iu msßisÿ lrjkhlska iu msßisÿ lr.ekSuhs'iu u; tla ‍/ia ù we;s l=Kqÿyqú,s"oyÈh"nelaàßhdjka bj;a ù iu msßisÿ ùu tu.ska isÿfõ'ke;skï ifï isÿre újr ù l=re,E jeks úúO m%Yakj,g uqyqK §ug
isÿfõ'ksjfia§ idod.; yels  f*ia fjdIa 1la u.ska Tng iajdNdúlj iu msßisÿ lr.; yels fõ'ukao fj<|fmdf,a we;s fndfyda wdf,amkj, iug wys;lr o%jH wvx.= fõ'iajdNdúl o%jH u.ska iu fmdaIkh lrñka iu meyem;a lrk w;r lsisÿ w;=re m%;sm,hla we;s fkdfõ'my; oelafjkafka Tng ksjfia§ iod.; yels f*aia fjdIa j¾. lsysmhls'fïjd l%udkql+,j Ndú; lsÍu u.ska Tng;a ,iaik iul myi w;aúÈh yelsh'

1'ó lsß yd ó meKs

ó lsß f;a yeÈ 2lg ó meKs 1la tla lrkak'th mela 1la f,i uqyqfKa .,ajd úkdä 2)3lska miq isis,a c,fhka fidaod yßkak'wjYHkï ñY%khg T,sõ Ths,a f;a yekaola tl;= lrkak'fuu.ska uqyqK fyd¢ka msßisÿ lr iug fmdaIkh ,ndfoa'fgdak¾ 1la f,io Ndú; l, yel'

2'ó meKs yd ì;a;r

ì;a;r ly uo 1la f.k thg ó meKs f;a yekaola oud ñY% lrkak' uqyqfKa .,ajd úkdä 15la muK isákak'uo WKqiqï c,fhka fidaod yßkak' ifï w÷re meye ,m le,e,a bj;a lr iug fmdaIkh ,nd foa'

3'wkakdis yd fodvï hqY


wkakdis hqY f;a yeÈ 2lg fodvï hqY f;a yeÈ 2la tla lrkak'fílska.a fidavd f;a yekaolao tl;= lr >k ;,mhla idod.kak'uqyqfKa .,ajd úkdä 5la ;sfnkakg yer isis,a c,fhka fidaod yßkak'


;lald,s f.ähla fyd¢ka fmdä lr thg lsß f;a yeÈ 4la yd foys hqY f;a yeÈ 2la oud ñY% lrkak'uqyqfKa .,ajd úkdä 10la ;sfnkakg yßkak'isis,a c,fhka fidaod .kak'fuh laf,kaia 1la f,i Ndú; l, yel'

5'lv, msá

lv, msá lsß iuÛ ñY% lr uqyqfKa .,ajkak'úkdä 15lska miq isis,a c,fhka fidaod yßkak'

Welcome to 2016 Sri Lanka's Number One Gossip Zone, Visit us to see latest and hotest gossip in Sri Lanka and around the world. Election News Updates, Latest Gossip, Latest News, Latest Videos, Chooti malli Podi malli Updates, Rivira Gossip - 2015 Sri Lanka's Number One Gossip Zone, 2015 Election News Updates, Latest Gossip, Latest News, Latest Videos, Chooti malli Podi malli Updates, gossip lanka, gossiplankanews.com, gossip lanka2, gosiplanka, gossiplankanews, gosiplankanews, gossip, lanka, sinhala, srilanka, Sinhala Songs,Free Sinhala Songs,Download sinhala songs,Free Sinhala MP3, Mesothelioma- donate car- Insurance- Medical lawyers - khaleejtimes Neth FM ,Radio,Live Radio,Music,Sri Lanka,News,Songs,Lanka,Broadcast,Entertainment,Dj,Sports,Live,Nationality,FM,Current Affairs,News Papers,Announcing,Singing,Asset Radio,Sri Lanka,Podcasting,Neth,Nethfm Live, Neth FM Sri Lanka,Online,Information,co creation,balumgala,developments,citizen journalism,sanchare,balumgala, Religious, Buddhism ,facebook,google,yahoo, adults The first step in caring for your skin is cleansing. Dust, perspiration, dirt, and bacteria collect on your skin and make your skin prone to many diseases. This is why your skin requires a thorough cleansing routine. Otherwise, these impurities clog the pores giving way to many skin problems. Homemade face wash can help in avoiding these skin problems. They are very mild on your skin, do not cause any side effects and are quite inexpensive. You can search and discover the best ingredients available in your kitchen to prepare the cleanser suitable to your skin type.Best Homemade Face Wash for Various Skin Types Homemade Face Wash for Normal Skin / Homemade Face Wash for Dry Skin Homemade Face Wash For Oily Skin / Homemade Face Wash for Acne Oily skin tends to attract a lot of dirt and pollution, which often leads to the formation of acne, blackheads and pimples. The organic cleansers are most suitable for combating oily skin, without any side effects. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 2 teaspoons of raw milk. You will obtain a fine lotion, which you apply on the skin evenly. Massage gently on the skin for 2-3 minutes and then rinse off with warm water. This cleanser will brighten your skin, and removes the oil from the face. This is a wonderful homemade face wash for sensitive skin. Clay and Aspirin Cleanser: Clay is one of the best cleansers for all skin types. It absorbs all the excess oil, dirt and sebum, refreshes and soothes any type of skin irritation. Aspirin is well known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Thus, this cleanser not only cleanses your face but also helps in fighting off the pimples. In a bowl, mix two teaspoons of clay, add 2-3 crushed aspirin powder and form a smooth paste by adding little water. Keep for 10 minutes till it dries and rinse off with cold water. Pineapple Cleanser: