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Dark coloration of the skin in the underarms region is usually not a disease or medical condition. Dark underarms can be thought of as the skin’s response to exposure to certain elements, similar to a suntan that results from exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays.
Some of the main causes of dark underarms are shaving, regular use of hair removing creams, excessive sweating, poor ventilation of underarms, accumulation of dead skin cells, and use of alcohol-based deodorants and antiperspirants.
You can easily get rid of dark underarms using simple home remedies that are safe, effective, natural and affordable.
However, at times dark underarms may also be as a result of a medical condition that is known as acanthosis nigricans which is often associated with insulin resistance, obesity, hormonal disorders, certain medications, and cancer.
If your dark underarms are caused by this condition then you must consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.Here are the top 10 ways to get rid of dark underarms.1. Potato The mild acidic property present in potatoes is a great natural bleaching agent. Unlike strong bleaching agents, it will not cause skin irritation.Simply rub a thin slice of potato on your underarms.You can also grate the potato and apply the juice to the affected area, allow it to dry for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.Use either of these remedies twice daily for better and faster results.Just like potatoes, cucumbers also have natural bleaching properties to help lighten discolored skin. Simply rub a thin cucumber slice on your underarms or grate a cucumber and apply the juice under your arms. Do this once or twice daily until you are satisfied with the results. Another option is to extract the juice from a cucumber and mix it with a little turmeric powder and lemon juice. Apply this paste on the affected area. Leave it on for 30 minutes, and then wash it off with water. Repeat this home remedy once daily or every other day for best results.Lemon works as a natural bleach and a powerful antibacterial and antiseptic agent. This is why lemon is used in the treatment of various skin-related problems including dark underarms. Lemon can dry out your skin, so apply a moisturizer after using these remedies if needed.To remove dead skin cells and lighten your underarms, rub a lemon wedge on the skin for a few minutes. Leave the juice on your skin for about 10 minutes and then wash the area thoroughly. For better exfoliation, you can sprinkle a little sugar on the lemon wedge and then use it. Do this a few times a week.Another option is to mix a little turmeric powder, honey or plain yogurt in some lemon juice and apply it to your underarms. Leave it on for about 10 minutes and then wash it off. Repeat three or four times a week.
Baking soda can be used to make an exfoliating scrub to get rid of dark underarms. This will help remove dead skin cells, which is one of the main causes of dark underarms. It will also help unclog skin pores. Mix baking soda and water to make a thick paste. Use this paste to scrub your underarms.Wash it off and pat dry the area thoroughly. Repeat a few times a week.You can also apply a light dusting of equal parts of baking soda and cornstarch to neutralize body odor.