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úh,s iula i|yd myiqfjka idod.; yels wdhq¾fõo m%;sldr

iu úh,Su hkq ´kEu jhia uÜgul ldka;djla fmdÿfõ uqyqK fok .egÆjls'wdhq¾fõo m%;sldr idokafka iajdNdúl o%jH Ndú;fhka neúka th iug wys;lr fkdfõ'my; i|yka jkafka Tng myiqfjka idod.; yels wdhq¾fõo m%;sldr lsysmhls'Tn;a w;ayod n,kak'



.ia,nqj, wvx.= úgñka ta u.ska iu wdrlaIdjla ,ndfoa'Tng .ia,nq ial%í 1la f,i iod.; yel'b÷kq .ia,nq f.ählska ;,mhla idodf.k uqyqfKa .d úkdä lsysmhla iïNdykh lrkak'Wmßu m%;sm, i|yd fuh Èkm;d Ndú; lrkak'


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3'flfi,a yd ó meKs

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by; i|yka o%jH wjYH muK f.k ;,mhla idod.kak'fuh Tng ial%í 1la f,i fhdod.; yel'weÛs,a, wdOdrfhka fyda mskai,la wdOdrfhka  idod.;a ;,mh uqyqfKa wdf,am lrkak'iquqÿj iïndykh lrkak'uo Wkqiqï c,fhka fidaod yßkak'fuu.ska ifï we;s úYîc bj;a ù È÷,k iula ,fíú'


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7'fldfydU fld<

fuh nelaàßh kdYlhls''fldfydU fld< fldgd ;,mhla iodf.k uqyqfKa wdf,am lrkak'

Welcome to 2016 Sri Lanka's Number One Gossip Zone, Visit us to see latest and hotest gossip in Sri Lanka and around the world. Election News Updates, Latest Gossip, Latest News, Latest Videos, Chooti malli Podi malli Updates, Rivira Gossip - 2015 Sri Lanka's Number One Gossip Zone, 2015 Election News Updates, Latest Gossip, Latest News, Latest Videos, Chooti malli Podi malli Updates, gossip lanka, gossiplankanews.com, gossip lanka2, gosiplanka, gossiplankanews, gosiplankanews, gossip, lanka, sinhala, srilanka, Sinhala Songs,Free Sinhala Songs,Download sinhala songs,Free Sinhala MP3, Mesothelioma- donate car- Insurance- Medical lawyers - khaleejtimes Neth FM ,Radio,Live Radio,Music,Sri Lanka,News,Songs,Lanka,Broadcast,Entertainment,Dj,Sports,Live,Nationality,FM,Current Affairs,News Papers,Announcing,Singing,Asset Radio,Sri Lanka,Podcasting,Neth,Nethfm Live, Neth FM Sri Lanka,Online,Information,co creation,balumgala,developments,citizen journalism,sanchare,balumgala, Religious, Buddhism ,facebook,google,yahoo, adults Dry and flaky skin is a common complaint in the winter time. Cold, dry winter air sucks the life out of silky, smooth skin. Other factors that contribute to dry skin include aging, nutritional deficiencies, and a genetic predisposition. There are many lotions and moisturizers on the market to combat dry skin. But most of them come with a big price tag. Natural home remedies are not only cheap, but also quite effective in nourishing and hydrating dry skin back to a healthy state. Here are the top 10 home remedies for dry skin.Olive oil contains many antioxidants and healthy fatty acids that are good for your skin. It can soothe and condition dry skin all over your body.Dab a thin layer of extra virgin olive oil under your regular moisturizer. About a half an hour before taking a shower, rub some olive oil on your hands, legs and other areas with dry skin and massage lightly. Take a shower and then apply a light moisturizer.Mix two tablespoons of olive oil, four tablespoons of fine brown sugar, and one tablespoon of honey. Rub this homemade scrub on your dry skin using light, circular motions for a few minutes. Take a shower and then apply a light moisturizer. The lactic acid present in milk cream helps exfoliate dry skin. The soothing nature of milk cream also helps preserve the skin’s delicate pH levels. Milk cream is also an excellent moisturizer.Mix a few drops of lemon juice, one teaspoon of milk and two teaspoons of milk cream. Rub it on your hands and legs. Leave it on for a while before you take a shower. Do this once daily.Add enough milk cream to three to four tablespoons of gram flour to make a thick paste. Apply the paste on your face, hands and legs. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Do this once daily.Milk has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that greatly help get rid of dry and itchy skin. Plus, the lactic acid in milk exfoliates dead skin cells and increases the skin’s ability to retain moisture. Also, it helps lighten your complexion. Soak a washcloth in cold milk and put the cloth on your dry skin for five to seven minutes. Gently wash off the milk with another cloth soaked in lukewarm water. This way this natural moisturizer will remain on your skin. Do this every other day. Add a few drops of rose water to four tablespoons of milk. Rub this solution all over your body. Leave it on for 10 minutes and wash your body with cold water. Follow this remedy twice daily. Honey is considered one of the best natural moisturizers loaded with antioxidant, antimicrobial, and humectant properties. Thus, it helps lock in moisture to make your skin extra soft and smooth. Plus, honey has many essential vitamins and minerals that help improve your skin’s health.Before taking a bath or shower, rub honey all over your body and leave it on for five to 10 minutes. Repeat daily to enjoy well-moisturized skin. Measure out equal parts of unprocessed honey, beeswax, and olive oil. Melt the beeswax in a small pan over low heat. Remove it from the heat and mix in the honey and then the olive oil. Apply this mixture all over your body and leave it on for 10 minutes. Then take a shower. Repeat daily or every other day. Almond oil is an excellent source of vitamin E and, hence, is considered the best emollient and lubricator for dry skin. Also, its antioxidant property is good for your skin’s overall health. In addition, because this oil is non-greasy, it is easily absorbed in the skin.Gently warm up some pure almond oil. Massage your body lightly with the warm oil a half an hour before taking a shower. After your shower when your skin is still damp, apply some light moisturizer. Do this once daily. Drink a glass of warm milk mixed with one teaspoon of almond oil before going to bed. Repeat every night to enjoy healthier skin as well as sound sleep.Note: Those who are allergic to almonds must not use the almond oil remedies.Aloe vera has soothing, antiseptic and antifungal properties that can help combat dry, irritated skin and prevent flaking. This simple remedy will moisturize your skin and form a protective layer that will keep your skin free from any kind of impurities.