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Since combination skin comes with the troubles of both skin types, the key is to keeping the skin clean, pores closed and skin hydrated. These are the requirements for both skin types. So it is all about finding the right balance in the routine.
After having spent so many years ignoring the centuries of knowledge from our ancestors, we have finally admitted that some of the most effective remedies ever are the ones that we concoct from our backyard! So here some of the simplest and most effective face masks.Every woman dreams of having picture perfect, flawless skin and in an endeavour to turn this dream into reality, we try out almost all the beauty and skincare products available in the market, hardly knowing that in this process we are doing more harm than good to our skin. The harsh chemicals and bleach present in these products might provide an instant glow to the skin, but they cause far-reaching negative effects on the skin in the long run. Therefore, nourishing natural remedies is the best solution to the question of how to protect your face from the sun. In this article, we have listed the best tips for glowing skin that aid in improving skin health and lightening skin tone. You cannot change the colour of the skin you are born with, But you can always make it more glowing and youthful from inside with No matter what your skin type is, making sure that your skin is clean is extremely important for it to remain healthy and clear. This is where your skin care routine comes to play. Cleaning the skin of the dirt and grime of the daily life, removing the dead skin cells and making sure that you don’t leave the pores open to more dirt accumulation is essential. This procedure we all know includes cleansing, scrubbing/ exfoliating, toning and moisturizing.