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ost of our girls are suffering from beauty related matters. And most of them are looking for instant solutions for that. So they are looking for western cultured medicines which are made with chemicals. But do you know that our Ayurveda Sri Lanka has in its stores some of the best solutions for all kinds of beauty related matters? What you have to do is tap into nature’s immense potential to keep our skin beautiful. We know our Ayurveda Sri Lanka is our very own science of medicine that is attracting many tourists also.
Therefore, today let’s see how to be beautiful with Ayurveda Sri Lanka.
Some of Beauty Tips from Ayurveda Sri Lanka
Cleanse your skin and pores with using raw milk
One of well-known and basic beauty tips even in Ayurveda Sri Lanka is cleansing the skin by using raw milk. It gives a glow to your face. And it helps to remove unseen dirt and impurities from the face as well as the pores of the skin. You can cleanse your skin by using raw milk with a cotton ball. If you like, you can mix a little lemon juice with this raw milk also.
Have a smooth complexion with orange
If you will apply fresh orange juice in your face, you will see an improvement in the texture of your skin as well as the skin tone. Orange is rich with Vitamin C and it enables your body to fight ageing as well as it acts as a good skin toner. This is a good remedy for the oily skin.
Control the acne with “Sandalwood and Turmeric”
You can make a pack by using 1tsp of sandalwood powder and turmeric with water. Once you make the mixture, apply it on your face and leave it in for 15-20 minutes. Then, rinse off it with lukewarm water.
Moisturize your skin with “Olive Oil”, to avoid wrinkles
Not only in Ayurveda Sri Lanka, but also, other parts of the world have accepted that olive oil is one of good natural moisturizer. It is loaded with antioxidants and fatty acids. You can apply a thin layer of olive oil onto your skin before bed every night. By that, you can restore your skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles.